Launch Presentation

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Dalkeith THI and CARS is a historic building grant scheme which aims to repair and promote the regeneration of key historic buildings in Dalkeith and encourage new investment in the town as a result...

What are the main elements of the Dalkeith THI and CARS?


To address some of the problems identified in the town centre, i.e. poor condition of many of the historic buildings and the public realm, the partnership has developed key aims for the town centre in consultation with the public. The main elements of these are to:

  • strengthen and enhance the character of the historic High Street.
  • create a more pedestrian friendly environment that also allows vehicle circulation.
  • improve links through the vennels and the lanes.
  • upgrade key properties along the High Street.
  • invest in shopfront improvements; and
  • develop education and training initiatives.

What are the main aims of the Dalkeith THI and CARS?

  • To repair and promote the occupation of historic buildings.
  • To preserve and enhance the character of Dalkeith.
  • To reinstate architectural detail.
  • To improve the public spaces and the street scene.
  • To involve the local community and improve knowledge about the historic environment.
  • To restore Dalkeith to a prosperous market town.
  • To encourage additional investment in the town centre.
  • To ensure that the project is sustainable and provides a long term solution for Dalkeith.